Website Management and Training
Website Management
Once your website is designed, developed and launched all that remains is regular website management and training. This involves website backups and software updates to keep your website well protected and in peak condition.
Keer Keer Creative provides website management as an ongoing service. You pay an annual fee and then you can relax, while we take care of your website for you.
We also offer ongoing text and graphic content development, along with further website design and development.
Website Training
If you are an individual or small business and would rather run website maintenance yourself. Maybe you would like to learn how to do the design and content updates or learn how to blog or run social media yourself, we can train you how to do it! We love to empower individuals or small businesses and will be there to guide you every step of the way and help you continue to breath life into your website and keep it in tip top condition.
In person training is normally run in 2-3 hour segments with 1-2 people attending.
Zoom online training is normally run in 1-2 hour segments with up to 5 people attending.
We can also develop Zoom training videos for you that are customized for your business. Your staff can then watch the training videos at anytime that works for their schedules.
Please call for pricing.